Sunday, October 26, 2008

fcat partyyy! (last thurs.)

was freakin awesome!!!

me andd pammy stayed on top of the adrenaline drop(supa huge slide) and we sat at the top listening to my iPod!

then me and kt fell asleep on the football field!

andd then we rode the tricycles singin "i can ride my bike with no handlebars!"

then kt fell off one...andd it looked like it hurt!

i got stuck in both obstacle courses andd then kt had to come in and save me (everyone else went through)

b getting sad bc we didn't consider him our "friend" :P

one kid got scared on the big slide and the kids that were waiting to get up called them chicken so i yelled at them......meanieheads! >:(

getting sooo dizzy going off the spinny things and then trying to go through the obstacle course....difficulty: supahuge

laughing as the iceberg was going down the slide

watching kids jump on the chair and watching their faces as they deflated :P

watching them flip down the slide

having the whole "mini theme park" to ourselves

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